Author: JaKe X

Music & Nature

The Artist’s Way

It might sound useless or redundant but this question kept me going for a long time: what does it mean to be an artist?Although I never actually studied philosophy, I realized that since I have memory I’ve always approached life…

JaKe X - About Me

Why do you make Music?

Have you ever asked yourself why you do all this? If not, I’ll start telling you about me.Ever since I started to make music and delved into this endless world, I couldn’t help but keep asking myself what art is,…

music fans

All you want is Fans

Do we really understand why and how our main focus should be having fans?”I need a label; I need a manager; hey, can you book shows for me? Why is no one investing in my project?”.I’m sure these are some…

What does a Music Manager do?

Did you ever ask yourself what a music manager actually does?A music manager is a professional in charge of managing and supervising your artistic career. Both in the launch phase and when you are a little more established, the manager…